The Benefits of a Production Consultant for Animal Productions

16 July 2024
 Categories: , Blog

In the world of entertainment, the inclusion of animals in productions brings a unique charm and authenticity. However, it also introduces a host of challenges and responsibilities. This is where a production consultant specializing in animal production becomes invaluable. Such experts ensure that the health, safety, and performance of animal actors align with professional standards, all while enhancing the overall quality of the production. Ensuring Animal Welfare The primary role of an animal production consultant is to guarantee the welfare of the animals involved. Read More 

Awesome Days At The Pumpkin Patch Begin With A Plan

13 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As summer's intense heat slowly fades away, one thing is sure — fall is soon to come. If you are like most families, at least one day of the fall season will be spent exploring the beauty and excitement of a pumpkin patch. To ensure the entire family ends the day with the same big smiles they started the day with, and of course, that you walk away with the pumpkin of your choice, learn how to plan for your journey. Read More 

Potted Plants And Trees That Are Great For Wildlife

20 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

In many urban and suburban areas, there is a shortage of plants for wildlife to utilize. Bees may not have enough plants to find nectar. Some birds may not have the seeds or fruits they need to eat. Planting trees and other plants can help, but if you don't have a place to plant in the soil, you may want to set out some potted plants instead. Here are some particular trees and plants that tend to thrive in pots and are also great for wildlife. Read More 

How Do You Know Where To Find Water For A Well?

9 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Drilling a well over a known aquifer is easy, but finding an aquifer in an area where no one else is living or working can be difficult. However, it's not impossible, and well-drilling companies have plenty of experience in locating water sources, even when the surface land does not look promising at all. Looking for water relies on clues given by nature and the county or state geological office. Water-Loving Plants Read More 

Deep Litter Method Guide For Small Chicken Flocks

27 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

For those new to chickens or simply looking to raise a small flock in their backyard or family farm, managing the bedding and cleaning the coop can seem like a time-consuming chore. There is a simple method, called deep litter, that can help reduce some of the labor required for small flock maintenance.  Background Most small flocks, even those that are allowed to free-range during the day, are locked into a coop at night for their own safety. Read More